Girl Makes Sanitary Pad In The Last Page Of Her Answer Sheet To Top The Exam

Shocking news has come from Kolkata where a female student drew Sanitary pads on the last page of her UPSC Mains answer sheet as a mark of protest to bring equality by giving an advantage to women in exams as women go through periods and mood swings, unlike men.
Debolina , 26 years old, on her UPSC Subjective paper drew an image of a sanitary napkin, suggesting that women go through more while preparing for the exam and hence should be given an advantage and some grace marks. Soon it became a trend and many girls were seen writing nothing in the answer sheet and just drawing a similar image and demanding to be passed for the sake of pain and mood swings they go through. Greta Thunberg and Malala have supported the revolution. Malala also demanded a Nobel Prize for brain-dead women.
Speaking to The Fauxy, the examiner, Karan, who gave additional marks to Debolina said, “This is the least we could for women who bleed for us every month. If men also want extra mark they should bleed too”