
Girl Attempts Suicide After People Didn’t Disagree To Her ‘I’m ugly’ FB Post

Girl Attempts Suicide After People Didn’t Disagree To Her ‘I’m ugly’ FB Post
  • PublishedJune 5, 2019

In today’s world when suicide cases are at peak due to various reasons, a suicide attempt was reported from Jaipur where a girl tried to end her life by jumping from the third floor of her house. Somya, the girl in question went on to do the unthinkable right after she posted an ‘I am ugly’ Facebook post and people started agreeing to it. Thankfully she survived with just a few broken bones and some lose teeth.

It has been a popular trend on Social Media to disagree whenever a girl puts out an ‘I am ugly’ post. To object and instead praise the girl’s beauty has been a long-established norm, but things did not go as per plans for Somya Sharma, a 21-year-old commerce student. Just after she posted ‘I am ugly’ on Friday night, a few of her friends replied with ‘Can’t agree more’ in the comment section and soon others started posting similar comments too.

One guy wrote: “That’s brutally honest!”

Another girl wrote: “Babe I’m with you if you need my support or some money to buy makeup! Lots of love. Xoxo!”

Somya’s best friend joined the bandwagon too and commented. “I have always been meaning to tell you that. Thank God you realised it on your own. Now I can finally stop lying to you!”

Megha saw the replies in the morning, became upset over it and jumped off the third floor of her house. She was taken to the Apollo hospital by her family where she is currently being treated.

Seeing the increasing number of suicide attempts among the youth parents should be more open with their kids and talk them out of such situations. Also, no one should agree with girls when they say that they are ugly. Its always better to keep the mystery alive.

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