
Women Call Out Domestic Violence, Confess They Beat Their Husbands

Women Call Out Domestic Violence, Confess They Beat Their Husbands
  • PublishedOctober 16, 2020

A recent study conducted by a group of feminists from crowfard University has revealed that domestic violence is on rise with the advancement of technology. Study reveals that over 37% women have accepted that they beat their husband at least once a week whereas only 7% have confessed that they beat their husband once a month. A majority of women have used electronic devices to beat their husbands or boyfriends or both.

Feminists across the world have lauded the result and women who beat their husband whereas a few have shown concern for numbers being too low. Feminism Associations Head Quartered At Iraq has kept the next year target as 50% for women who can beat their husband atelast once a week where as 20% for women can beat their husband at least once a month.

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