Global Politics

French government to buy Rafale from India after Rahul Gandhi announces Rafale jet price at ₹526/aircraft in a rally.

French government to buy Rafale from India after Rahul Gandhi announces Rafale jet price at ₹526/aircraft in a rally.
  • PublishedAugust 16, 2018

In a shocking turn of events, the French government has approached the Indian government with a business proposal to buy Rafale Jet Planes. On Wednesday, a group of bureaucrats met PM Modi to discuss over the assorted prices of Rafale Jet Planes floated around by various political leaders of India. The French government has shown interest in not only setting up a plant of Dassault in India but also intends to buy Rafale planes from India under the Make In India campaign. This new development has surprised many defense economists who previously believed that Modi government’s negotiations had landed India the best price on Rafale.

Apparently, the French government has been closely following the debate going on Rafale agreement and while doing so, French officials came across a video in which Congress president Rahul Gandhi was recorded addressing people of Rajasthan. In his speech, while accusing the Modi government of a scam in Rafale deal, Rahul Gandhi went on to claim that under the UPA Government, the price of a Rafale Jet was merely ₹526.

Much has been discussed on Rafale deal and opposition has come to a tacit conclusion that the current deal is overpriced and if it was well negotiated, the price would’ve been drastically less. Rahul Gandhi has quoted different prices in different rallies, varying from ₹540 crore to ₹526.

“If government renegotiates the deal and manages to close the deal at ₹526/plane then it would save ₹60,000 crore and same can be utilized in the distribution of the first installment of ₹15 Lakhs that Modi had allegedly promised,” says Congress spokesperson Sanjay Jha.

As of now, the defense minister, Nirmala Sitharaman has managed to keep the meeting with the French Government confidential, citing an excuse of the secrecy clause. However, it won’t take much time before she shall be forced to reveal the correct price of Rafale Jets in the House of Parliament.
If the price actually turns out to be at ₹526/aircraft, as claimed by Rahul Gandhi, it will prove to be a major setback for BJP Government, and a Bofors moment for Modi.

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