
Four Upper Caste Men Booked Under SC/ST Atrocities Act For Asking A Dalit Guy To Clean Their Phone Memory

Four Upper Caste Men Booked Under SC/ST Atrocities Act For Asking A Dalit Guy To Clean Their Phone Memory
  • PublishedMarch 6, 2021

A video of a Dalit guy being forced to clean the phone memory of an upper caste man in Dalit’s mobile repair shop is doing rounds on social media. Reportedly, four upper caste men have been booked under SC/ST atrocities act. Four upper caste men who were there at the shop apologies for their act but it was too late as the case was already filed against them.

According to a formal complaint by shop owner’s brother, the upper caste men first asked him to clean the cache memory but when the Dalit guy refused to do so the upper caste men asked him to do more cleaning and asked him to clean the phone memory too. After an argument, a mob from the dalit caste came and took the upper caste men to a nearby police station.

Court has rejected the interim bail of the upper caste men citing Article 14 of the Indian constitution which provides every citizen equality before the law or equal protection of the laws within the territory of India.

It’s shame that Dalits are still being oppressed and given specific jobs of ‘cleaning’. Today, India’s top most position is held by a Dalit. People like these four upper caste men bring inequality and hence, must be punished” said the judge in one of the most remarkable judgements ever.

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