First Comment On Girl’sInstagram Picture Reads “Ignore the people who are calling you ugly. You are beautiful”

“All men are trash and you don’t have to be super intelligent to understand this. They would comment like this anyway” said the girl who commented ‘Ignore the people who are calling you ugly. You are beautiful’ on another girl’s Instagram picture upon asking why did she comment this.
Social Media is a weird place with weird people. Mitchell posted her picture on Instagram after a long time and the first comment was by another girl, Amy, trying to convince her that she’s beautiful not ugly as others are sayings. Amy didn’t even wait for others to say that and made sure Mitchell doesn’t believe them.
Mitchell followed back Amy for her great advice which helped her later that day when trash started commenting all kinds of stupid comments. “If I had that face I would have filed a defamation case against my own parents” was the second comment on my post but thanks to Amy’s advice it didn’t effect me much” said Mitchell while reporting the comment.