Engineers Quit Jobs To Become Maulvis After Arvind Kejriwal Announces A Hike For Imams

Ahead of 2019 general elections, Delhi Chief Minister and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) supremo Arvind Kejriwal made an announcement to woo Muslim voters. The Chief Minister declared that the salaries of Imams and helpers in mosques in Delhi would now be increased.
The salaries of Imams shall be increased from Rs 10,000/month to Rs 18,000/month. However, instead of wooing Muslim voters, Arvind Kejriwal has managed to woo more engineers, who are now leaving their current jobs to become Imams.
The Fauxy spoke to one such engineer, Shahi Altaf Al Raja, who has dropped out of college. Shahi Altaf Al Raja said “Look we have seen Kejriwal being generous to our community and since he distributes freebies, it’s most likely that he’ll come back to power. Hence, Imams have a more secure future than engineers and other scholars. In case the Congress government comes to power at the centre, we will hold extra power too. All in all, we don’t need education or jobs, we have our hopes pinned on Kejriwal.”