
Emergency Landing Of A Plane After Travel Blogger Forgot To Update Instagram

Emergency Landing Of A Plane After Travel Blogger Forgot To Update Instagram
  • PublishedSeptember 25, 2018

A Travel Blogger forced an en route Air India flight to make an emergency landing at the Pune terminal just a few minutes after it took off from Mumbai.

Neha, a Mumbai based travel blogger, reportedly had a severe urge to update her Instagram as soon she realised that the flight took off and she wouldn’t be able to update her Instagram for the next two hours.

“I’ve heard that jetlag can lead to diminished hashtagging and geotagging skills among females. It is only after posting the pictures of the aeroplane that I get a sense of fulfilment. I cannot help it. It completes me.” said Neha.

Airport Authority of India reported that the plane landed without any incident, there were no fatal injuries to any of the 200 passengers an that Neha was successfully able to post to her Instagram account. The casualties from among the blogger’s social media followers are yet to be ascertained.

The plane later took off from the Pune Airport only after the travel blogger uploaded a photo on her Instagram and checked in on Facebook using the airport’s WiFi.

This is not the first time that social media has caused inconvenience to people. On a previous occasion, a well-acclaimed writer was unable to express his political views on the platform of Twitter and had to be hospitalized due to prolonged constipation.

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