
Tesla CEO Elon Musk Likely To Buy CNN News Network Only To Shut It Down

Tesla CEO Elon Musk Likely To Buy CNN News Network Only To Shut It Down
  • PublishedApril 17, 2020

Tesla CEO Elon Musk mocked CNN early Thursday over a report claiming that none of his 1,000 promised ventilators made it to California hospitals. Mr Musk also said “What I find most surprising is that CNN still exists.” When he was asked about what he thinks of CNN. Team fauxy has also found some inside news that Elon is likely to buy CNN just to shut it down. Money is not a problem and if necessary Elon will take a huge loan from banks just to buy CNN, call a press conference and say that we are closing down CNN. There are also rumors that he might take the help of Anil Ambani in closing down CNN. Anil has an experience of closing down many companies and he can do it in a single day. That is the level of trust Elon has in Anil. Elon may also shift all CNN employees to the mars when his space mission starts. He doesn’t want them on this planet.

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