
EdTech startups line up to make Arjun Kapoor and Tejaswi Yadav as their Brand Ambassador

EdTech startups line up to make Arjun Kapoor and Tejaswi Yadav as their Brand Ambassador
  • PublishedApril 19, 2020

Byjus is final stage talks with Arjun Kapoor on making him as their Brand Ambassador for Corona lockdown period. Sources said Byjus plan to relaunch a campaign to convey “abhi time hai padh lo, warna mere jaise ho jaoge” elaborating Arjun Kapoor’s life and his compromises in life due to lack of education. One of Arjun Kapoor’s compromises would be shown as Malaika Arora in the campaign with lack of education being sole reason for compromising with an older GF.

Another campaign which Byjus is planning with Arjun Kapoor is #TumToSaggeParentsHo where Arjun Kapoor will shown as taking care of Arhaan Khan’s studies. Campaign would try to convey that despite Arjun being an almost Step Father, he takes care of Arhaan Khan’s studies, saying #TumToSaggeParentsHo why can’t you care about your kid’s education

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