Donald Trump Says he Can Mediate On Ram Mandir Issue If Both Parties Agree

Soon after US President Donald Trump offered to mediate between India and Pakistan on Kashmir issue a major part of the issue got resolved. With the abrogation of Article 370, India government has made J&K a Union Territory, thus removing the role of Pakistan in J&K and to further make Pakistan irrelevant, Defence Minister, Rajnath Singh said that there’s no need to talk to Pakistan and in case the talk happens it will happen only about PoK, Pakistan occupied Kashmir.
Although, it was all about BJP led NDA government smartness and courage to resolve the Kashmir issue, Donald Trump is taking all the credit as the issue got resolved only after he offered to mediate. Seeing his as an omen, Hindu Maha Sabha has approached him to request him to offer to mediate, however, the other party Sunni Waqf Board is reluctant to get the matter resolved.
Reportedly, Trump is likely to accept the offer of offering the mediation only if the case gets resolved without he actually meditating as it will save thousands of dollars when the world economy is looking not so positive. If sources are to be believed Trump may offer to mediate between Pakistan and Balchosutan too after Ram Mandir issue gets resolved. Details awaited.