Cricket fan sues Sony for not showing more Ads during the India West Indies series

The India West Indies series has been witnessing less TRP and audience boredom as West Indies is not a strong team. Team India which has a huge follower base has also not attracted viewers for the series.
In fact one fan was so annoyed by the boring series that he sued the TV channel for not showing more Ads and instead showing the full match.
Sanil Jain was watching the India West Indies first test and he was waiting for the Ads desperately, but to his surprise Sony TV showed the match with very less Ads in between. This irritated Sanil and he immediately called up his lawyer and filed a case against Sony.
In his notice, it has been mentioned that many cricket fans around the globe were waiting for Ads in the series but Sony showed the match and spoilt the day for them. Sony should compensate for the trouble caused to the genuine cricket fans. Other sports channels have taken stock of the situation and have started targeting clients for Ads.
Sony in its defence has said that due to economic slowdown TV channels aren’t getting enough Ads. More news awaited.