Cow Smugglers Abduct a Man Dressed in a Cow Mask While He Was Protesting Against Gau-Rakshaks

Noida: In a shocking yet hysterical incident, cow smugglers have abducted a man, who was disguising himself as a cow during a protest. Abhishek Ghosh was protesting against ‘Gau-Rakshaks’ by wearing a cow mask. Abhishek was campaigning against the rising violence by cow vigilantes. To establish that “Cows are safer than women in India” he appealed to people to wear a cow mask and upload their photos on social media.
After capturing hundreds of photos, while Abhishek was instructing one of his colleagues on how to pose wearing a Cow mask, a few smugglers spotted and mistook him for a cow. The smugglers immediately kidnapped him and pushed him in their car which already had four cows in it.
Cops have filed a case against the cow smugglers and are waiting for the captors to remove Abhishek’s mask and eventually return him. The incident speaks volumes about the cow smuggling menace in India. Although Gau Rakshaks have been portrayed as criminals, the reality is far from this.
Congress MP Shashi Tharoor had earlier remarked that cows are safer than women in India. One cannot help but wonder whether he is actually worried or whether it’s more of a warning, especially after knowing the fate of his wife Sunanda. Tharoor once described the people travelling in economy as ‘cattle class people,’ however given the scenario that cattle is safer than women nowadays, can we expect Tharoor travel economy class only?
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