Global Politics

Considerate Taliban Postpones Execution Of A Teacher Due To Teachers’ Day

Considerate Taliban Postpones Execution Of A Teacher Due To Teachers’ Day
  • PublishedSeptember 5, 2021
Taliban’s brutality continues. Today, they brutally dragged a teacher, who was reportedly teaching science, to execute him in public. However, at the 11th hour a journalist screamed Teachers’ day and Talibans were taken aback. After internally discussing the issue, the Talibans decided to postpone the execution of the teacher.
The postponement of a teacher’s execution just because it’s Teachers’ day today is giving Talibans a lot of praise and are called considerate. Talibans have decided to announce the news of the postpone of Teacher’s execution via press conference, that India’s PM Modi hasn’t done even once since he has taken oath as PM seven year back. 
Talibans have been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by a group of journalists who were there witnessing the execution and its postponement live. 
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