Colour Blind Doctor Fails To Diagnose Whether Patient Has Black, White Or Yellow Fungus

There are over 8000 cases of black fungus reported in India. However, as is being witnessed right now, there’s now a new lurking danger, much scarier than black or white fungus- yellow fungus infection.
In one of the hospitals in Delhi, a patient’s condition worsened because doctor couldn’t find which fungus it is. Reportedly, the doctor was colour blind and couldn’t find whether the fungus was black, white or yellow. With more colour variants in fungus, doctors who are colour blind are going to have tough time diagnosing let alone treating it.
Researchers are working on a technology similar to Braille which would tell even colour blind doctors the exact colour of the fungus in a few minutes. Initial reports suggest that once primary colour fungus and their medicines are found all the different colours fungus’ medicines can be made by mixing those primary colour fungus’ medicines in appropriate amount.