
Chinese man accused of eating a man wearing batman mask

Chinese man accused of eating a man wearing batman mask
  • PublishedApril 25, 2020

Blaming China yet again for the outbreak of the global Coronavirus pandemic, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, on Friday said that the United States is working with other countries to make sure they understand that coronavirus originated in Wuhan, China. As it was already speculated that the virus originated from weird eating habits of the Chinese, the fauxy has learnt about an even more weird incident were a Chinese man actually ate a person who was wearing a batman mask. A batman fan was walking in Wuhan with the mask on and was happy that he was emulating his superhero, but he forgot that he doesn’t have any supernatural powers to protect himself. He eventually paid for his antics when a Chinese man ate him thinking that he was a real bat. China has banned all batman masks, but government has still not banned eating of bats as yet. China will produce batman masks and people have to wait for that day.

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