Case Filed Against Nymble, A Robot Manufacturing Company For Giving Its Cooking Robot A Female Name — Julia

Bangalore—Despite years spent by many feminists in battling gender discrimination and inequality the capitalists don’t seem to have learned anything and same can be established with the fact that a robot manufacturer in Bengaluru has named its cooking robots Julia, a female name.
“I am stunned! Are women meant only for cooking? Why the cooking robot has been named Julia and not John” questioned the woman who has filed a case against the company.
“What’s in the name? A machine can’t have gender irrespective of whatever name you give it, we gave it a female name to satisfy fragile male ego so that more men who are single buy it.” Said the marketing head of the company.
Sources confirmed that the hearing of the case is scheduled for last week of this month, however, trying not to stretch the issue the creative team of the company has already started searching unisex names.