Cancel Culture Youth Beaten Up By Cab Driver For Cancelling Same Cab Thrice After Booking

Spreading faster than Covid-19 latest Omicron variant, Woke Virus has infected over 100 million people in last ten days after Tesla CEO declared it a potential health hazard. Known for targeting youth, woke virus damages brain cells and make person do weird things like cancelling.
People infected with Woke Virus have started their own community, cancel culture and are adding more people everyday. However, the sane people are fighting the battle against woke virus with full determination and baseball bat.
In Mumbai, a cab driver has beaten a woke virus infected youth after he cancelled the same cab after booking it thrice. Upon asking, the youth told the cab driver that he belongs to cancel culture and it’s his right to cancel whatever he wants. The youth was taken to a psychiatrist but he cancelled the psychiatrist too after which the youth has been kept in isolation to protect his friends and family members.