Business: Twitter Users Will Now Charge To Tell That They Are Depressed

Twitter on Thursday revealed a new feature called Super Follow, which will allow users to earn money from their tweets and other content. Using the feature, Twitter creators could gain paying subscribers and sell them access to certain content, deals, and groups. However, a majority of content on Twitter isUsers’ rant or Users’ depression stories, which would mean commercializing mental health.
“I feel like a celebrity now, I too can sell my depression as celebrities do. Depression is my skill and finally ill be able to monetize it” said one of the depressed twitter users.
“I didn’t get depressed to remain depressed, I knew it has a potential that nobody can see now, once it’s mainstreamed it will get us revenue faster than bitcoin.” said one of the motivational speakers having a sad and lonely past.
Twitter hasn’t issued any guideline regarding the type of content which can be monetized but Twitter can’t go against the majority user.