Global Politics

BREAKING: Govt Criminalises Calling Women Fat.

BREAKING: Govt Criminalises Calling Women Fat.
  • PublishedMarch 8, 2022

Useful laws strengthen the democracy’. The maxim has been playing an important part in making news laws. The distinction between what is necessary and what is useless is trapped in a fog of perceived intent and perpetuation of fear. The result is – the criminalisation of calling women fat.


On Women’s Day, Women of the country rejoice.  PM Narendra Modi has a big gift for women. The prime minister in a series of tweets greeted the Nari Shakti of the country and also assured that the government is making a law to make the country’s environment more conducive for women. PM Modi said that his government is bringing laws to criminalise calling women fat.


Sources suggest that calling women fat will be a non-bailable offence and convict can face jail upto two years. Immediately after Modi’s statement, men across the country filed PILs claiming their right of freedom of expression being curbed.


Although before becoming law, the act will have to pass the two houses of Parliament. However, no Member of Parliament will dare to oppose the act. PM Modi said soon “Asking women’s age” will also be criminalised.



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