BREAKING: Beating BTS fans no more a human right violation

There have been debates on human right violation off late in various parts of India. Recently a news channel called up panelists to discuss what and what not should be considered as an act of human right violence.
After arguing for about 2 hours, the panelists arrived upon the conclusion that all other acts of violence are debatable, but beating up BTS fans should not be considered as human right violence. BTS fans are very irritating, just like the BTS band.
The most irritating part is that even the fans of BTS don’t know much about the BTS band and they just shake their body when some random BTS song plays. Every act of a BTS fan is irritating, and there is no doubt in minds of people about that. Recently a fan of BTS beat up another fan of BTS for dancing on a song that was not a BTS song.
The song suggested by the guy who beat up the other guy was also not a BTS song. Amit Shah will soon bring a bill in parliament which will highlight the fact that beating up BTS fans will not be considered as an act of violence.