
Boy Climbs Mountain To Attend Online Classes On Vodafone Network

Boy Climbs Mountain To Attend Online Classes On Vodafone Network
  • PublishedJuly 24, 2020

Majority section of the students are still trying to figure out a way to cope up with the new norm of online education. It seemed fun at the start but it is a challenge for people having poor internet connection or low end mobile phone. The fauxy has learned that a boy in MP, Aman Srivastava had to climb a mountain to access the online education. The reason was poor network of Vodafone. We often see jokes about Vodafone network doing rounds on the internet. But that became a reality yesterday. Aman went out of his home to get good coverage of Vodafone signal, he kept on walking for some 4 hours and realized afterwards that he had climbed a mountain. Though he did not get the best network it was enough for him to go through some classes. Thanks to Vodafone, kids are getting mental as well as physical exercise during this lockdown.

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