
Blind man gets vision due to low air pollution during lockdown

Blind man gets vision due to low air pollution during lockdown
  • PublishedApril 12, 2020

Corona may have been giving testing times to the citizens around the world, but for the environment it has been a major boon. A blind man in fact got his vision back due to the reduced pollution. The pollution levels recorded have been very low in las few days and Aman Srivastava who has been blind since childhood got his vison back. His body reacted to the reduced pollution and his eyes healed. Doctors around the world are fearing that the corona scare and the lockdown will make the environment so clean that many patients will get healed just by the environment and they will not need doctors in the future. Hence the doctors are asking for the compensation regarding the same. Many doctors in India were on strike today not due to non-availability of the PPEs but due to the protest against government to make govt hear about their concerns.

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