
Australia Fire Intensity Reduces After Greta Thunberg Yells “How Dare You?” At It.

Australia Fire Intensity Reduces After Greta Thunberg Yells “How Dare You?” At It.
  • PublishedJanuary 5, 2020

Greta Thunberg, How Dare You fame, celebrated her birthday on 3rd of Jan when Australia was under huge fire that claimed most lives ever in the history of apocalyptic nightmares. Nearly half a billion animals have been killed by Australia fire in the last couple of months, and the devastating death toll is expected to rise.  The wildfire is expected to alter the environmental conditions in nearby areas too and hence it has drawn the attention of many well-known environmentalists and activists.

Greta Thunberg travelled to Australia to yell “How Dare You?” at the fire after which wildfire’s intensity reduced considerably. Reportedly, many Kangaroos and Koalas turned their heads down to greet Greta for saving their lives.  “How Dare You” has been her trademark statement which made her not only famous but also an environmentalist.

The Fauxy reports suggest that many countries have signed a long term contract with Greta Thunberg who will help them during such natural or manmade disasters at a pre-approved rate.

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