
Astronomy student claimed he found a new planet, later found telescope lens had a dirt mark on it

Astronomy student claimed he found a new planet, later found telescope lens had a dirt mark on it
  • PublishedJuly 21, 2020

An astronomy student claimed yesterday that he found a new planet while researching the celestial bodies. It was only after his teacher studied it properly and investigated it further that they found there was a dirt mark on the telescope lens. The media houses had already published the story of new planet being found. There were debates and discussions on the topic and even the political parties argued on what should be the name of the planet. Some textbook printers have already started printing the new planet in the planet system chapter. The fauxy spoke to the student Aman Srivastava and he said “ I worked very hard for my research and was doing everything properly, but due to my tight schedule I did not get time to clean the lenses of the telescope. The good news for the pace fraternity is that now that the dirt mark is detected, time will be saved as students will not repeat such mistakes.

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