
As England asks India to return £2.3B aid after Chandrayaan 3 success, India tells England, “deduct it from the money you looted and return the rest”

As England asks India to return £2.3B aid after Chandrayaan 3 success, India tells England, “deduct it from the money you looted and return the rest”
  • PublishedAugust 25, 2023

Big news is coming in from Britain, Minutes after India’s Chandrayaan 3 successfully landed on lunar surface, the Britain started demanding return of the financial aid that British government’s has allegedly given to India.

India has responded to Britain’s demand saying “deduct the aid from the reparation to be paid and pay the rest”. India has also set a deadline of 31st March 2024 for the reparation to be paid to India.

The Fauxy Sources suggest that Russia too has gone against Britain after some important parts of Luna25 were seen at British Museum.

On the other hand, Britain has announced that it won’t take moon mission as suns sets there for a long time.

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