Business Politics

Air India Clarifies: The Fish Given to the Jain Passenger Identified Itself As Eggplant

Air India Clarifies: The Fish Given to the Jain Passenger Identified Itself As Eggplant
  • PublishedMarch 31, 2022

On Wednesday, a video of a complaint against the Air India staffers Fathima Munni and Yaman Khan, who allegedly offered a non-veg meal to a Jain person on the flight, went viral on social media platforms. However, Air India staff has clarified now.


The staff members clarified although the Jain traveler was given fish but that fish identified itself as an eggplant (brinjal), which is a vegetarian food.


Look, the fish has exactly same colour and shape as brinjal, eggplant” the Air India staff member told The Fauxy reporters as he accepted that he knowingly gave the non vegetarian food to the jain traveler.  “Just because the fish lives in water and brinjal in field, doesn’t mean we can divide them on the basis of their place of residence, as per the article 15 and 16 of the constitution of India” the staff member further added.


Soon after the Air India clarified its stand on Twitter,  the Jain traveler was trolled and was called communal, racist, sexist, prejudice, fish-hater and many more things. A lot of social media users have demanded that the Jain traveler be banned by all the airlines.

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