Global Politics

Ahead of No-Confidence Motion, Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan Makes ‘Aapne Ghabrana Nahi Hai’ Default Ring Tone.

Ahead of No-Confidence Motion, Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan Makes ‘Aapne Ghabrana Nahi Hai’ Default Ring Tone.
  • PublishedMarch 27, 2022
Islamabad: Ahead of the threat of no-confidence motion, Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan has called everyone to his rally in rally in Islamabad. Although Imran Khan has rejected the speculation of him resigning , he has made his popular phrase ‘Aapne Ghabrana Nahi Hai‘ default ring tone of every Pakistani call.
Earlier today, Pakistan PM Imran Khan addressed the nation and said that he is going to take a bis step that will benefit the country. Since then speculation are made that Pakistan PM Imran Khan is going to resign at his rally in Islamabad.
Reportedly, Pakistan Army is unhappy with Imran Khan as he has failed to meet the target of fund collection from other countries and neither NATO countries nor Russia has given funds to Pakistan.
Neither he has raised any fund nor he could do any terror activities in India, then why did the Pakistani awam chose him? to rule us? that Army also can do.” said a Pakistani Army official to The Fauxy.
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