After Limiting Time For Firecrackers, SC Likely To Restrict Individual Porn Access Between 00:00 hrs To 02:00 hrs.

In a much-awaited hearing, the Supreme Court of India has issued an order stating that people can only burst low-emission and green firecrackers between 8 pm and 10 pm this Diwali, thereby ruling out the option of a blanket ban on firecrackers. With this order, SC has befittingly monkey balanced between increasing pollution and respecting the Hindu tradition of celebrating Diwali.
Next in slot is an SC hearing on a petition that seeks for a complete ban on Pornography. This is one of the most awaited hearings of the year and it would impact the maximum population of the country – well at least 50% of them.
Top lawyers and lawmakers are anticipating that the decision is going to be quite similar to the firecracker ban and SC may come out with an order restricting the time for watching porn.
As per recent surveys, it is estimated that the ideal time for watching erotica is between midnight to 2 AM. Experts also say that SC would not go with the blanket ban as many X-Rated movie enthusiasts would misunderstand it as watching porn inside the blanket.
Engineers across the nation are already prepped with placards and banners to protest against the lawmakers if in case SC decides to ban pornography. Among them, the most prominent voices are that of Jio internet users, whose sole purpose to procure a mobile connection was for accessing HD quality videos online.