
A Study By Leading Coffee Chain Roasta Coffee, Shows Coffee Is Very Good For Health

A Study By Leading Coffee Chain Roasta Coffee, Shows Coffee Is Very Good For Health
  • PublishedJune 5, 2019

A well-known coffee chain with declining sales growth has recently conducted a study which proves that there’s no connection between coffee and increased risk of heart disease or cancer. The study also shows that people who die due to excess of caffeine in their body are simply unlucky because there are many with a higher amount of coffee in their body who are still living a good life.

CEO John Panic spoke to The Fauxy, John said “Look, its stupid to blame everything on coffee. Coffee has been doing amazing things for people, it has also changed several lives, but we don’t get credit for that. Today you woke-up because of coffee, tomorrow you won’t, that’s as simple as that.”

The study also shows that asking a girl out for coffee increases one’s chances of getting laid. A whopping 83% of youngsters get laid after asking girls for coffee whereas in case of Tea and other beverages the figure is below 10%. Although caffeine in your bloodstream causes the blood pressure to rise, nowadays it is quite common for almost every second person to have blood pressure related issues. Hence, the concept that coffee is not good for the heart is fundamentally flawed.

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