
Petrol Pump Owners Buy Used Covid Vaccine Vials To Sell Petrol In It

Petrol Pump Owners Buy Used Covid Vaccine Vials To Sell Petrol In It
  • PublishedOctober 19, 2021

Petrol and diesel prices remained unchanged for the second consecutive day on October 19 after scaling at record highs across the country. The last increase on October 17 took the price of petrol in Delhi to its highest-ever level of Rs 105.84 a litre.

With the increasing petrol price the demand of petrol has gone down and many people are seen petrol in quantity less than 100 ml. To encourage more people buy petrol, petrol pump owners are showing their creative best. Reportedly, over a hundred petrol pump owners are buying used COVID vaccine vials to sell petrol in it.

Minutes after the news of petrol in vaccine vial reached social media, thousands of people started enquiring about the same and some people also posted selfies with the petrol filled vaccine vial and syringe to fill their bike tank.

PM Modi has appreciated the effort and creativity of petrol pump owners to fight the rising petrol price issue.

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