
Indians start illegally migrating to Bangladesh after it wins The Economist’s ‘Country of the Year’ award

Indians start illegally migrating to Bangladesh after it wins The Economist’s ‘Country of the Year’ award
  • PublishedDecember 24, 2024

The infiltration at the India-Bangladesh border has surged once again, but this time, Indians are illegally migrating to Bangladesh, after The Economist gave it the ‘Country of the Year’ award. Fauxy sources suggest that Hindus in Bangladesh are now happy about their persecution, considering it a small price to pay for living in the best country in the world. Not only Indians, but Westerners are also planning to move to Bangladesh in record numbers, as The Economist estimates Bangladesh to become the world’s largest economy by the end of next year. Currently, other democratic countries are considering persecuting their minorities and toppling their democracies to install dictatorships in hopes of winning next year’s ‘Country of the Year’ award from The Economist.

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