
Due to Security Reasons, SC Judges Likely to Wear Hijab While Giving Judgement On Hijab Issue

Due to Security Reasons, SC Judges Likely to Wear Hijab While Giving Judgement On Hijab Issue
  • PublishedMarch 21, 2022

Three judges of Karnataka High court including the Chief Justice, who gave judgement on Hijab issue, have received death threats. Following the death threats, the Chief Minister directed the State Director General of Police to start the investigation immediately. The petitioners have now reached the Supreme Court challenging a ban on Hijab in education institutions.


The Supreme Court is likely to hear the petition and give its judgement this week. However, due to security threats to the Karanataka High Court judges the supreme court judges will be hearing and giving the judgement wearing Hijab/Burqa to keep their identities anonymous.


The Supreme Court judges already have Z+ security and we can’t do more to give them better security hence, we have asked them to wear Hijab” said a Delhi Police personnel.


It will be historic! Judges wearing something which they are going to give verdict about.” said a journalist outside the Supreme Court.


Hijab is not allowed in education institutions and Supreme Court isn’t an education institution” said a lawyer who was wearing Hijab.




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