
Comedian Caught Releasing Laughing Gas on his Show, Arrested.

Comedian Caught Releasing Laughing Gas on his Show, Arrested.
  • PublishedAugust 21, 2018

In a strange incident, a comedian was booked by the cops for employing unconventional methods to make people laugh. Sapan Verma, a Mumbai based stand-up ‘comedian’, has been arrested by Mumbai police on Monday evening from his show at Kanvas Laugh factory, Parel. Sapan is currently under police custody and interrogation is in progress. Prima facie, Sapan might have to face charges for torturing people.

Like every criminal has a troubled past, Sapan is no different. Depressed with his decreasing sense of humor, Sapan was unable to come up with new jokes and at first, resorted to targeting government and its supporters. Most of the jokes cracked by alleged ‘comedians’ like Sapan do not go beyond Boobs, Vagina, Periods, Pads, EVM, Hindu, Hindutva, Cow, Gaumutra, the current Prime Minister and the Indian Army.

After initially failing at entertaining people, Sapan’s modus operandi was to use fake canned laughter. Bombing on stage had become a usual thing for him, therefore to save face, he was forced to play out pre-recorded laugh tracks on his show. Sapan seemed to have got too cocky and stretched it too far. The audience started calling out his bluff.

After getting exposed, Sapan did not give up and started devising new methods to see through his criminal activity. He had previously heard about laughing gas and thus decided to smuggle it into his shows in order to collect a chuckle or two. The failed comic has been reported to release gas a couple of times during his shows, before getting caught, again.

“Sapan usually jokes around politics and most of his jokes are lifted from English TV series and shows, sometimes directly copy-pasted from unsuspecting Twitter accounts,” said a person who was present at the crime scene when Sapan had released the laughing gas.

Kunal, one of the two Sapan fans, spoke to us and said “I am very disappointed. If Sapan sir didn’t have enough jokes he could have simply used abusive Hindi words like always to make people laugh. There was no need of using laughing gas.”

It’s not the first time when a stand-up comedian has used unorthodox ways to make people laugh. Rohan, a Pune based stand-up ‘comedian’ called his audience blunt and unfit to get his jokes when the audience failed to laugh at his show. The audience was then forced into laughing by show sponsors so as to avoid looking stupid. Insiders revealed that the people were supposedly laughing at him, than at his jokes.

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