
Air Pollution Won’t Effect You If You Stop Breathing: WHO On Delhi Air Pollution

Air Pollution Won’t Effect You If You Stop Breathing: WHO On Delhi Air Pollution
  • PublishedNovember 17, 2020

Delhi’s air pollution level is reaching new heights every day and it has made the WHO step-in. The WHO today said that the increasing air pollution level won’t have that much impact on people’s health if somehow people learn to breathe less or not at all. WHO backed his claim with the data that suggests breathing isn’t the only reason one is alive and people can learn to breathe less. WHO chief was caught humming “everything that kills me makes me feel alive”.

WHO also said that it’s working on a device that can take out oxygen from the polluted air and can be inhaled by people, the device will be fitted in the mask. WHO is also working on a mask which will have an entire plant fixed in it and the time plant releases the Oxygen person can inhale it before it gets polluted. A team of 24 engineers is working non-stop to figure out a way a plant with its pot can be fixed in the mask without making people uncomfortable while wearing it.

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