1045 page Ram Mandir Verdict to be included in JNU syllabus to make students stay longer

The #AyodhyaVerdict is finally out. The established practice is to specify the name of the judge who has authored the judgment on behalf of a bench. The reason behind the decision to not mention the name of the author of the 1,045-page judgment is not clear. However, it may have resulted out of the sensitivity of the case.
But JNU should be thankful to the Supreme Court as it has given JNU extra study material which will help them keep the students there for a longer time. Normally a student stays in JNU for 20-25 years of his life, then he decides to pursue something else rather than just doing pHD. Kanhaiya Kumar, Sheila, and many more are still pursuing pHDs and JNU staff is always happy if a student stays longer and longer.
The Ram Mandir verdict will be part of JNU syllabus from next year and students will do a pHD in it which may take an approximate time of 10-12 years. This will ensure that same students stay in JNU and help run the college in future.